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Psicología Educativa - Educational Psychology
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ISSN: 1135-755X

Psicología Educativa (Journal of Educational Psychology) is a multi-disciplinary scientific Spanish journal aimed at fostering both theoretical contributions and experimental research by psychologists and related educational jobs. Its goal is to share topics within the areas of cognitive, affective and cultural processes, knowledge acquisition, along with areas of educational intervention and innovation. Researchers in the field of education (psychologists, anthropologists, sociologists, educational technologists, and so on), along with educators and counselors from whatever sector, educational psychologists, assessors, specialists in computing and information technology applied to education, are all therefore invited to submit their work to this journal . Psicología Educativa accepts unpublished original manuscripts of interest for psychologists that are contributions to the knowledge in the field of educational psychology.Psicología Educativa is published mainly in Spanish, although original contributions in English are also accepted.

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Discontinued publication
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Vol. 23. Issue 2.
Pages 73-136 (July - December 2017)
Cybergossip and cyberbullying during primary school years
Inés C. López-Pradas, Eva M. Romera, José A. Casas, Rosario Ortega-Ruiz
Psicología Educativa 23 (2017) 73-80
Open access
Revisión de la neuropsicología del maltrato infantil: la neurobiología y el perfil neuropsicológico de las víctimas de abusos en la infancia
Alejandro Amores-Villalba, Rocío Mateos-Mateos
Psicología Educativa 23 (2017) 81-8
Open access
El autoconcepto y el bienestar subjetivo en función del sexo y del nivel educativo en la adolescencia
Estibaliz Ramos-Díaz, Arantzazu Rodríguez-Fernández, Iratxe Antonio-Agirre
Psicología Educativa 23 (2017) 89-94
Open access
“Explora”: atender a los alumnos con más curiosidad, motivación o capacidad sin excluir a nadie
Julio Fernández-Díez, Rosario Cencerrado-de-Aller, Javier Rodríguez-Fernández, Ángela Hierro-Berceo, Eva Sánchez-Fernández, Javier Pérez-Sáenz
Psicología Educativa 23 (2017) 95-103
Open access
Validación de la escala de autoadscripción inclusiva en docentes secundarios de Chile
Fancy Castro-Rubilar, María Teresa Castañeda-Díaz, Carlos Ossa-Cornejo, Enrique Blanco-Hadi, Nancy Castillo-Valenzuela
Psicología Educativa 23 (2017) 105-13
Open access
Estudio sobre la utilización de estrategias de automotivación en estudiantes universitarios
Ana Navea-Martín, José Manuel Suárez-Riveiro
Psicología Educativa 23 (2017) 115-21
Open access
An integrated computer system for teaching Psychology
Javier González Marqués, Carlos Pelta
Psicología Educativa 23 (2017) 123-7
Open access
Los videojuegos: una afición con implicaciones neuropsiquiátricas
Carlos Buiza-Aguado, Alfonso García-Calero, Araceli Alonso-Cánovas, Paloma Ortiz-Soto, Miguel Guerrero-Díaz, Manuel González-Molinier, Ignacio Hernández-Medrano
Psicología Educativa 23 (2017) 129-36
Open access