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12 Articles
How has the family firm literature addressed its heterogeneity through classification systems? An integrated analysis
Remedios Hernández-Linares, Soumodip Sarkar, Mª Concepción López-Fernández
European Journal of Family Business. 2017;7:1-13

  • There is a growing chorus for the need to reflect on the heterogeneity of the family business concept.

  • An effective classification system must be based on the characteristics of the entities being classified.

  • We review extant classification systems and previous family firm definitions.

  • The core elements of the definitions are identified by bibliometric tools.

  • We analyze whether existing classifications systems are based on their main characteristics.

Open access
Family and non-family business behaviour in the wine sector: A comparative study
Ismael P. Soler, German Gemar, Rafael Guerrero-Murillo
European Journal of Family Business. 2017;7:65-73

  • A means test was carry out after categorising the wineries as familiar or not.

  • Return on assets (ROA) and operating margin were higher on family wineries.

  • Relative debt and debt ratio were higher in companies considered as non-family.

  • Return on equity (ROE) was equal between the different wineries.

  • The size does not differ between the groups.

Open access
Gender issues related to choosing the successor in the family business
Covadonga Aldamiz-Echevarría, Idoia Idígoras, María-Azucena Vicente-Molina
European Journal of Family Business. 2017;7:54-64

  • Perception of succession process regarding to gender does not seem to match reality.

  • Once known, women's management capabilities are very much appreciated.

  • Bearing in mind women as potential successors is positive to the achievement of the FB.

Open access
Measuring fraud and earnings management by a case of study: Evidence from an international family business
Alicia Ramírez-Orellana, María J. Martínez-Romero, Teresa Mariño-Garrido
European Journal of Family Business. 2017;7:41-53

  • This study empirically demonstrates the validity of the Beneish's model for the case of a Spanish quoted family business, Pescanova.

  • Identification of indexes aligned with the position of technical default shown by the pre-bankruptcy board of Pescanova.

  • Monitoring of two key ratios for business management as indicators of aggressive accounting practices.

  • This is the first case that applies the Beneish's model to the Spanish food sector.

Open access
International business & family business: Potential dialogue between disciplines
José C. Casillas, Ana M. Moreno-Menéndez
European Journal of Family Business. 2017;7:25-40

  • Evolution of the literature combining international business and family firms.

  • Six promising areas for research through a dialogue between both disciplines.

  • A model for future research is proposed, linking the six topics.

Open access
Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family firms: An empirical examination
Ismael Barros, Juan Hernangómez, Natalia Martin-Cruz
European Journal of Family Business. 2017;7:14-24

  • Family firms build on familiness and SEW.

  • SEW has a positive impact on organizational effectiveness.

  • Essence has a partial mediating effect on the relation between involvement and SEW.

Open access
Knowledge management, flexibility and firm performance: The effects of family involvement
Antonio J. Carrasco-Hernández, Daniel Jiménez-Jiménez
European Journal of Family Business. 2016;6:108-17
Open access
Impact of financial crisis and family control on earning management of Portuguese listed firms
Inês Lisboa
European Journal of Family Business. 2016;6:118-31
Open access
President interlocking, family firms and performance during turbulent times: Evidence from Latin America
Karen Watkins-Fassler, Virginia Fernández-Pérez, Lázaro Rodríguez-Ariza
European Journal of Family Business. 2016;6:63-74

  • President interlocking in LA firms is positively associated with performance.

  • The association between performance and interlocks depends on corporate governance.

  • This favorable relationship is mitigated where expropriation odds are higher.

Open access
Composition of familiness: Perspectives of social capital and open systems
Myriam Cano-Rubio, Guadalupe Fuentes-Lombardo, María Jesús Hernández-Ortiz, Manuel Carlos Vallejo-Martos
European Journal of Family Business. 2016;6:75-85

  • Covers a gap in the literature regarding the composition of familiness.

  • Defines the variables found in familiness and so helps enable the measurement of familiness in all family firms.

  • Enables conclusions and comparisons to be made about strategic decisions in family firms.

Open access