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ISSN: 1576-5962

The RPTO will mainly publish empirical research of interest for psychologists, and which represents a contribution to knowledge in all areas of which can be termed industrial, work and organizational psychology, human resource, organizational behavior, personnel psychology, as well as behavioral, cognitive and neuroscientific aspects of labor relations, ergonomics, and human factors.

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Discontinued publication
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Vol. 33. Issue 3.
Pages 165-238 (December 2017)
Job crafting-satisfaction relationship in electrical/electronic technology education programme: Do work engagement and commitment matter?
Theresa Chinyere Ogbuanya, Samson Onyeluka Chukwuedo
Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 33 (2017) 165-73
Open access
The Five-Factor model and job performance in low complexity jobs: A quantitative synthesis
Mario Lado, Pamela Alonso
Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 33 (2017) 175-82
Open access
Structured behavioral and conventional interviews: Differences and biases in interviewer ratings
Pamela Alonso, Silvia Moscoso
Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 33 (2017) 183-91
Open access
The dimensionality of workaholism and its relations with internal and external factors
Or Shkoler, Edna Rabenu, Aharon Tziner
Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 33 (2017) 193-203
Open access
Age, emotion regulation strategies, burnout, and engagement in the service sector: Advantages of older workers
Sheena J. Johnson, Sabine Machowski, Lynn Holdsworth, Marcel Kern, Dieter Zapf
Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 33 (2017) 205-16
Open access
Examining the role of cynicism in the relationships between burnout and employee behavior
Hyejin Bang, Thomas G. Reio
Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 33 (2017) 217-27
Open access
Moderator effects of job complexity on the validity of forced-choice personality inventories for predicting job performance
Jesús F. Salgado
Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 33 (2017) 229-38
Open access