Journal Information

Supplement "Advances in Musculoskeletal Radiology"
Pages S1-S88 (October 2023)
Original articles
Radiographic evaluation of the bicipital groove morphology does not predict intraarticular changes in the long head of biceps tendon
A. Cardoso, J.N. Ferreira, R. Viegas, P. Amaro, P. Gamelas, R. Alonso, L. Pires
Radiologia. 2023;65 Supl 2:S3-S9
Differences in MRI measurements of lateral recesses and foramina in degenerative lumbar segments in upright versus decubitus symptomatic patients
M. García Isidro, A. Ferreiro Pérez, M.S. Fernández López-Peláez, M. Moeinvaziri, P. Fernández García
Radiologia. 2023;65 Supl 2:S10-S22
Myxoid liposarcoma: MRI features with histological correlation
V.M. Encinas Tobajas, C. Almeida González, D. Marcilla, M. Vallejo, A. Cano Rodríguez, J.I. Reina Sánchez de Movellán, J.M. Morales Pérez
Radiologia. 2023;65 Supl 2:S23-S32
Treatment of calcific tendinopathy of the rotator cuff with ultrasound-guided puncture and aspiration
I. Sánchez Lite, B. Toribio Calvo, S. Osorio Aira, C. Romera de Blas, N. Andrés García
Radiologia. 2023;65 Supl 2:S33-S40
Can Achilles tendinosis be treated effectively with lidocaine and glucose infiltrations, and if so, is the effect lasting? A longitudinal, observational on 27 consecutive patients
A. Bello Baez, M.L. Nieto Morales, P. Mora Guanche, A. Cavada Laza, Lina Inmaculada Pérez Méndez
Radiologia. 2023;65 Supl 2:S41-S49
Acute muscle loss and early effects of COVID-19 on skeletal muscle in adult patients: A retrospective cohort study
Y. Akturk, S. Ozbal Gunes, E. Soyer Guldogan, I. Sencan, B. Hekimoğlu
Radiologia. 2023;65 Supl 2:S50-S58
Diagnostic accuracy of lumbar CT and MRI in the evaluation of chronic low back pain without red flag symptoms
J. Martel Villagrán, R.T. Martínez-Sánchez, E. Cebada-Chaparro, A.L. Bueno Horcajadas, E. Pérez-Fernández
Radiologia. 2023;65 Supl 2:S59-S70
Brief reports
Emphysematous osteomyelitis: a rare and aggressive disease
I. Garrido Márquez, Á. Moyano Portillo, M.A. Acosta Martínez del Valle, G. Rodríguez Madroñal, E. Pérez Cuenca
Radiologia. 2023;65 Supl 2:S71-S73
Tarsal tunnel ganglion cyst: intraneural or extraneural site?
J.J. Jover-Sánchez, L. Cristóbal-Velasco, E. Benza-Villarejo, A.A. Maldonado-Morillo
Radiologia. 2023;65 Supl 2:S74-S77
Chronic expanding hematoma
G. Serra del Carpio, M. Tapia Viñé, N. Torena, D. Bernabeu Taboada
Radiologia. 2023;65 Supl 2:S78-S82
Granular cell tumor of soft tissues: MR findings
G. Iglesias-Hidalgo, A. Lopez-Maseda, L. Zaldumbide-Dueñas, B. Canteli-Padilla
Radiologia. 2023;65 Supl 2:S83-S87