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Vol. 50. Núm. 2.
Páginas 45-88 (abril - junio 2024)
The evolution of extrajudicial expert advice in motor vehicle accidents: Situation in 2024
Rafael Bañón González
Spanish Journal of Legal Medicine. 2024;50:45-6
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Original articles
Study of the difference between the assessment of bodily injury by insurance entities and by extrajudicial experts advice in Valladolid during the years 2021 and 2022. Presentation of a comparison methodology
Carmen Domínguez González, José Domingo Sánchez Pérez
Spanish Journal of Legal Medicine. 2024;50:47-53
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Exploring the genetic landscape of the Doukkala population (Morocco) using 15 autosomal short tandem repeats (STRs)
Abderrazak El Khair, Khadija Cheffi, Noura Dahbi, Jalal Talbi, Abderraouf Hilali, Hicham El Ossmani
Spanish Journal of Legal Medicine. 2024;50:54-61
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The improvements in forensic toxicology and its role in the forensic process. The interpretation of results (II)
Maria Luisa Soria
Spanish Journal of Legal Medicine. 2024;50:62-75
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Special article
Psychological–forensic expert assessment of complex post traumatic stress disorder in victims of gender-based violence
Laura Fátima Asensi Pérez, Elena Flores Fernández, Kora Nevado Duarte
Spanish Journal of Legal Medicine. 2024;50:76-81
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Forensic medical case
Cholecystoduodenal fistula: An unusual finding at autopsy
Roger W. Byard
Spanish Journal of Legal Medicine. 2024;50:82-5
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Letter to the editor
Ethical and legal aspects of Aesthetic Medicine's advertising in social media in Spain
Miguel Antonio Lasheras-Pérez, Rodolfo David Palacios-Diaz, Begoña Martínez-Jarreta, Mercedes Rodríguez-Serna
Spanish Journal of Legal Medicine. 2024;50:86-7
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