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European Journal of Management and Business Economics
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ISSN: 2444-8451
e-ISSN: 2444-8494

EJM & BE is interested in the publication and diffusion of articles of rigorous theoretical, methodological or empirical research associated with the areas of business economics, including strategy, finance, management, marketing, organization, human resources, operations, and corporate governance. The Journal aims to attract original knowledge based on academic rigor and of relevance for academics, researchers, professionals, and/or public decision-makers. Publication History: Formerly known as Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa

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Publicación discontinuada en Elsevier
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Vol. 25. Núm. 3.
Páginas 89-176 (noviembre 2016)
Frontiers in research in business: Will you be in?
Enrique Bigné
European Journal of Management and Business Economics. 2016;25:89-90
Open access
Return on capital in Spanish tourism businesses: A comparative analysis of family vs non-family businesses
César Camisón, Beatriz Forés, Alba Puig-Denia
European Journal of Management and Business Economics. 2016;25:91-110
Open access
How does the online service level influence consumers’ purchase intentions before a transaction? A formative approach
Inés Küster, Natalia Vila, Pedro Canales
European Journal of Management and Business Economics. 2016;25:111-20
Open access
The integration of CSR management systems and their influence on the performance of technology companies
Juan Andrés Bernal-Conesa, Antonio Juan Briones-Peñalver, Carmen De Nieves-Nieto
European Journal of Management and Business Economics. 2016;25:121-32
Open access
Determinants of the expenditure done by attendees at a sporting event: The case of World Padel Tour
Héctor V. Jiménez-Naranjo, José Luis Coca-Pérez, Milagros Gutiérrez-Fernández, Antonio Fernández-Portillo
European Journal of Management and Business Economics. 2016;25:133-41
Open access
Statistical and cognitive optimization of experimental designs in conjoint analysis
Rubén Huertas-García, Ana Nuñez-Carballosa, Paloma Miravitlles
European Journal of Management and Business Economics. 2016;25:142-9
Open access
Research in entrepreneurship using GEM data. Approach to the state of affairs in gender studies
Mari Cruz Sánchez-Escobedo, Antonio Fernández-Portillo, Juan Carlos Díaz-Casero, Ricardo Hernández-Mogollón
European Journal of Management and Business Economics. 2016;25:150-60
Open access
Cause-related marketing: An experimental study about how the product type and the perceived fit may influence the consumer response
Iguácel Melero, Teresa Montaner
European Journal of Management and Business Economics. 2016;25:161-7
Open access
Marketing mix effects on private labels brand equity
Carmen Abril, Belén Rodriguez-Cánovas
European Journal of Management and Business Economics. 2016;25:168-75
Open access