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Inicio Enfermería Clínica Factors affecting the performance of public health nurses in family nursing care
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Vol. 29. Núm. S1.
Riau International Nursing Conference 2018: Incorporating Technology and Ethics in Advancing Nursing Education and Practice
Páginas 74-77 (marzo 2019)
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Vol. 29. Núm. S1.
Riau International Nursing Conference 2018: Incorporating Technology and Ethics in Advancing Nursing Education and Practice
Páginas 74-77 (marzo 2019)
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Factors affecting the performance of public health nurses in family nursing care
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, Suharti, Yellyanda, Abbasiah, Debbie Nomiko
Nursing Department, Jambi Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry, Indonesia
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Tablas (4)
Table 1. The nurses’ performance in public health centers of Jambi City in family nursing care (n=114).
Table 2. The nurse's individual factors in family nursing care (n=114).
Table 3. Relationship of individual factors with nurses’ performance in family nursing care (n=114).
Table 4. Multivariate modeling between individual factors and nurses’ performance in family nursing care in public health center of Jambi City.
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To determine factors that influence the nurses’ performance in family nursing care in public health centers in Jambi City.


A cross-sectional study was conducted from April to October 2016 using questionnaire with public health nurses as participants. The survey included questions on knowledge, attitude, self-confidence, motivation, personality, and nurses’ performance in family nursing care, and was completed by 114 nurses. Data analyses used for this study were chi-square test and logistic regression.


The factors affecting the nurses’ performance in family nursing care were attitudes (p 0.003; 95% CI 1.583–9.823), motivation (p 0.002; 95% CI 1.672–9.972), and personality (p 0.005; 95% CI 1.466–8.830).


Need efforts to improve the attitude, motivation, and personality of nurses in providing family nursing care, such as training, supervision, and rewards.

Public health nurses
Family nursing care
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Nurses who work in public health centers have the primary responsibility to carry out nursing care services to clients, both individuals, families, special groups, and the community.1 The evaluation of nurse's role and function in public health centers showed that many nurses’ focus to curative care in providing nursing care, while implemented family nursing care was not optimal. This happens because of a lack of nurses’ ability to carry out family nursing care activities caused by limited nursing care training and many abundant tasks for nurses.2 Data National Health Facility Research in 2011 show that the achievement of family nursing care in public health center throughout Indonesia was 61% from a national target.3

Tafwidhah et al.’s4 study entitled “The Public Health Nurses’ Competencies and the Level of Implementation PHN in Pontianak” shows that there is a relationship competency of public health nurses with the level implementation PHN (p-value=0.000; α=0.05). Amperaningsih and Agustantis’5 study entitled “Nurse's Performance in Implementation of Public Health Nursing (PHN)” showed that implementation of PHN activities are not running (80%).

The initial survey to three community health coordinators in public health center of Jambi City found that the three public health center had carried out community service activities, especially family nursing care. But, 2 persons said that the implementation was not expected because there were many public health nurses were lazy to go to the field and felt forced to do home visits, and had not documented their activities. Whereas 1 person community health coordinator said that public health care activities were going well and each nurse had the awareness to carry out family nursing care. Three coordinators said that each functional nurse had an obligation to carry out a nursing care in four vulnerable/poor families every month and the head of the public health center provided the opportunity for nurses to take to the field. It is necessary a study find how the nurse's performance in family nursing care and the factors that influence it.


This study was a descriptive analytic study with a cross-sectional design. The independent variables are individual nurse factors (knowledge, attitude, self-confidence, motivation, and personality); and the dependent variable is the performance of nurses in family nursing care. The study was conducted in April to October 2016 in 18 public health centers throughout Jambi City. Samples were 114 nurses taken the total sampling. Data explorers were carried out with questionnaires. Data analysis used chi-square and logistic regression.


Table 1 shows that most nurses have good performance in family nursing care (52.6%).

Table 1.

The nurses’ performance in public health centers of Jambi City in family nursing care (n=114).

Performance  N 
Good  60  52.6 
Not good  54  47.4 
Total  114  100.0 

In this study (see Table 2), it can be seen that most nurses have good knowledge of family nursing care (65.8%), poor attitude toward family nursing care (57%), poor confidence (50.9%), low motivation (55.3%), and have good personality (53.5%).

Table 2.

The nurse's individual factors in family nursing care (n=114).

Variable  N 
Good  75  65.8 
Not good  39  34.2 
Good  49  43.0 
Not good  65  57.0 
Good  56  49.1 
Not good  58  50.9 
High  51  44.7 
Low  63  55.3 
Good  61  53.5 
Not good  53  46.5 

Table 3 shows three individual factors that have a significant relationship with the performance of nurses in family nursing care (p-value <0.05), including attitude, motivation, and personality. Author concluded that nurses with good attitudes have 2.9 times chance to show good performance compared to nurses with good enough attitudes (OR=2.903; 95% CI=1.3–6.29); nurses with high motivation have an opportunity 3.9 times to show good performance compared to nurses with low motivation (OR=3900; 95% CI=1.77–8.6); and nurses with good personalities have 2.7 times the opportunity to show good performance compared to nurses with poor personality (OR=2.701; 95% CI=1.3–5.77). Table 3 shows that two individual factors that have no significant relationship with the nurses’ performance in family nursing care (p-value >0.05), including knowledge and confidence.

Table 3.

Relationship of individual factors with nurses’ performance in family nursing care (n=114).

Individual factors  Nurses’ performanceTotalOR (95% CI)  p-value 
  GoodGood enoughN     
  N  N         
a. Good  37  49.3  38  50.7  75  100  0.677 (0.3–1.48)  0.435 
b. Not good  23  59.0  16  41.0  39  100     
Total  60  52.6  54  47.4  114  100     
a. Good  33  67.3  16  32.7  49  100  2.903 (1.3–6.29)  0.011a 
b. Not Good  27  41.5  38  58.5  65  100     
Total  60  52.6  54  47.4  114  100     
a. Good  30  53.6  26  46.4  56  100  1.077 (0.5–2.25)  0.992 
b. Not good  30  51.7  28  48.3  58  100     
Total  60  52.6  54  47.4  114  100     
a. High  36  70.6  15  29.4  51  100  3.900 (1.77–8.6)  0.001a 
b. Low  24  38.1  39  61.9  63  100     
Total  60  52.6  54  47.4  114  100     
a. Good  39  63.9  22  36.1  61  100  2.701 (1.3–5.77)  0.016a 
b. Not good  21  39.6  32  60.4  53  100     
Total  60  52.6  54  47.4  114  100     

Meaningful at α=0.05.

Based on Table 4, public health nurses with a good attitude have an opportunity of 3.9 times to show good performance compared to nurses with a bad attitude after being controlled by motivation and personality. Too, nurses with high motivation have an opportunity of 4.1 times to show good performance compared to nurses with low motivation after being controlled by attitude and personality. The results of the analysis also show that public health nurses with good personality have an opportunity of 3.6 times to show good performance compared to nurses with good enough personality after being controlled by attitude and motivation.

Table 4.

Multivariate modeling between individual factors and nurses’ performance in family nursing care in public health center of Jambi City.

Variable (individual factors)  B  p  OR  95% CI for exp(β)
        Lower  Upper 
Attitude  1.372  0.003a  3.943  1.583  9.823 
Motivation  1.407  0.002a  4.083  1.672  9.972 
Personality  1.280  0.005a  3.598  1.466  8.830 
Constant  −2.128  0.000  0.119     

Meaningful at α=0.05.


There are several factors that influence the performance of nurses in family nursing care, including environmental factors and individual factors.6 Mangkunegara7 explained that individual factors that influence nurse performance are knowledge, confidence, motivation, commitment, attitude, personality, demographic background, and learning.

The results of this study get three individual factors that most dominantly affect the performance of nurses in family nursing care, namely motivation, attitude, and personality. This research is in line with the research of Kawata et al.,8 entitled “The Performance of the Nurse in Family Health: Building Competence for Care in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil”. Their study is qualitative research with results shows that the performance of nurses is determined by knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Herzberg (2003) in Ref. 9 explained that the efforts made to increase the motivation of nurses were by sending nursing staff to take part in training so that nurses had new knowledge about a procedure, and held consultations about directions, expectations, and obstacles in doing nursing care family. Increased nurse motivation can help maintain the quality of family nursing care in the community (Alderfer, 1972 in Ref. 9).

Attitudes are determinants of behavior because they are linked with perception, personality, and motivation.6 Notoatmodjo10 states that the attitude possessed by a person determines an individual's assessment and response to an object or event.

The author argues that nurses with a good attitude and personality will show good performance, and nurses with a bad attitude and personality will show poor performance. In this study, the negative attitude of nurses is not in line with the high knowledge of nurses. This may be due to the high knowledge of nurses at the stage of knowing and understanding, not yet at the stage of applying the knowledge in their daily work.

According to the author, the poor performance of nurses in family nursing care is not caused by the lack of nurses’ knowledge about family nursing care but may be due to the lack of nurses’ willingness to do family nursing care. Nurses do not want to do it probably because the time of the nurse is not enough to carry it out, lacks motivation, and low awareness.


The nurses’ performance in family nursing care in Public Health Center of Jambi City was mostly in the good category. But, there are nurses show good enough performance. In this study, individual factors that most influence the nurses’ performance in family nursing care were motivation, attitude, and personality. The efforts should be made in improving the attitude, motivation, and personality of nurses, such as training, supervision, and rewards.


The author would like to thank Nursing Department Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health in Jambi; Health Office of Jambi City; and all nurses at the Public Health Center in Jambi City.

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Peer-review of abstracts of the articles is under the responsibility of the Scientific Committee of Riau International Nursing Conference 2018. Full-text and the content of it is under responsibility of authors of the article.

Copyright © 2019. Elsevier España, S.L.U.. All rights reserved
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