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Inicio Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa Editorial
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Vol. 24. Núm. 1.
Páginas 1 (enero - abril 2015)
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Vol. 24. Núm. 1.
Páginas 1 (enero - abril 2015)
Open Access
Carmen Barroso, Enrique Bigné
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During the last three years, I have had the privilege of being the editor of REDEE. It is now time to close this period, with my most sincere gratitude to all those authors, reviewers, editorial board and associate editors, that have made possible the achievement of all the goals that we set in the beginning. Let me make a special mention to AEDEM's board, which trusted in me to develop this task. I am sure that the new editorial team, coordinated by Professor Enrique Bigné, will push forward this project that we all conform.

Carmen Barroso

Former Editor, Universidad de Sevilla

Continuing the work of Professor Carmen Barroso and her team of associate editors is a challenge for the new editorial team. We will do our best but convinced that the potential gains are derived from the commitment of many people. Thanks to AEDEM, previous Editorial Committee, Scientific Council, Reviewers, authors and readers for the confidence showed with the journal and in this new team.

Our unique purpose is to facilitate the publication of relevant and rigorous work. In order to accomplish such goal, the team of Associate Editors, professors J. Samuel Baixauli Soler from the University of Murcia, Salvador del Barrio from the University of Granada and José Francisco Molina Azorín from the University of Alicante, and myself, assume that commitment as a goal. For that path, Elsevier will continue to support and publish the journal offering numerous services to authors and ensuring the quality of editing.

We have adopted the following measures that I hope will be of your interest: (i) The revision is aimed at improving the submitted work by a careful selection of reviewers with international experience in publishing and reviewing; (ii) Shortening the review process; (iii) Facilitate the publication of articles in English that trigger more citations, offering both a quick translation and copy editor services; (iv) New evaluation criteria that complement current ones to guide quality improvement; (v) Expand the members of the Scientific Committee and the reviewers with a special focus in internationalization.

The journal is already indexed in various databases, especially in Scopus, but our challenge is to increase the number of citations, positioning it among the first European journals in the field as well as to place it in other prestigious worldwide databases.

I am confident that this new stage allows you to submit your relevant manuscripts, as well as find other relevant to cite.

Enrique Bigné

Editor, University of Valencia

Copyright © 2015. AEDEM
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