Journal Information
Editorial articles
Editorial comment on the article entitled “How to measure intra-renal pressure during flexible URS: historical background, technological innovations and future perspectives”
J. Sáenz Medina
Actas Urol Esp. 2024;48:111-2
Carlos Alférez and the conversion of «Actas de la AEU» into «Actas Urológicas Españolas»
J.C. Angulo, J. Díaz Goizueta, F.J. Díaz Alférez, J. Szczesniewski
Actas Urol Esp. 2024;48:113-5
Review article
Recovery of spermatogenesis after androgenic anabolic steroids abuse in men. A systematic review of the literature
O. Rajmil, J. Moreno- Sepulveda
Actas Urol Esp. 2024;48:116-24

Original articles
Does obesity really affect renal transplantation outcomes?
L. Caamiña, A. Pietropaolo, G. Basile, M.İ. Dönmez, A. Uleri, A. Territo, P. Fraile
Actas Urol Esp. 2024;48:125-33
Is extracorporeal lithotripsy a first-line treatment for urinary stones today?
C. Minguez Ojeda, I. Laso García, D. López Curtis, G. Duque Ruiz, M. Mata Alcaraz, M. Santiago González, A. Artiles Medina, M. Hevia Palacios, ... F.J. Burgos Revilla
Actas Urol Esp. 2024;48:134-9
Role of psa levels and pathological stadiation before radiation therapy in predicting mp-MRI results in patients with prostate cancer recurrence after radical prostatectomy
D. Santucci, D. Vertulli, F. Esperto, L. Eolo Trodella, S. Ramella, R. Papalia, R.M. Scarpa, C. de Felice, ... E. Faiella
Actas Urol Esp. 2024;48:140-9
Evaluating the effects of preoperative treatment with 5-alpha reductase inhibitors in holmium laser enucleation of the prostate
R. Bultó Gonzalvo, M. Bernardello Ureta, J. Cervera Alcaide, M. Sanchez Rodriguez, M. Franco, R. Freixa Sala, J. Areal Calama, F. Agreda Castañeda
Actas Urol Esp. 2024;48:150-4
Usefulness of renal nephrometry scoring systems in the prediction of complications associated to percutaneous image-guided treatment for small renal masses
A. Abu-Suboh Abadia, L. Mosquera Seoane, P. Gómez Martínez, M.A. Trillo Lista, P. Portela Pereira, M.J. Martínez Barcina, J. Palou Redorta, O. Rodríguez Faba
Actas Urol Esp. 2024;48:155-61
Post-Ureteroscopic Lesion Scale to determine ureteral wall damage, not so easy to employ
R. Polo, À. Canós-Nebot, J.P. Caballero-Romeu, J.A. Galán-Llopis, F. Soria, J.E. de la Cruz-Conty, J. Tuells
Actas Urol Esp. 2024;48:162-9
Full text access
Open Article
The best method for erection function in urethroplasty; is excision and primary anastomosis or buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty?
R. Uğur, A. Şimşek
Actas Urol Esp. 2024;48:170-6
Residents section
Transplant renal artery stenosis: Study of incidence using doppler ultrasound, risk factors and analysis is effect in graft outcomes
C. Calzas Montalvo, J. Medina-Polo, N.R. Miranda Utrera, S. Juste Álvarez, A. de la Calle Moreno, M.P. Caro González, R. Santos Perez de la Blanca, M. Hernández Arroyo, ... A. Rodríguez Antolín
Actas Urol Esp. 2024;48:177-83