Journal Information
¿Is CRPC definition still valid in the new era of antiandrogens for mHSPC treatment?
A.V. Ojeda-Claro, M.J. Ledo-Cepero, J.L. Álvarez-Ossorio
Actas Urol Esp. 2023;47:543-5
Review article
Parameterization of electrotherapy interventions in physiotherapy for pelvic floor dysfunctions: a systematic review
K. Bouallalene-Jaramillo, J. Calvo-Sanz
Actas Urol Esp. 2023;47:546-59

Original articles
Entering into 2.0 cystinuric management with a medical digital tool to monitor urine pH: a prospective, randomized study
O. Angerri, S. Gracia, F. Rousaud, A. Kanashiro, E. Emiliani
Actas Urol Esp. 2023;47:560-5
Erector spinae plane block prior to extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy decreases fluoroscopy time and promise a comfortable procedure for renal stones: A prospective randomized study
M. Karaaslan, E. Olcucuoglu, S. Kurtbeyoglu, S. Tonyali, M. Yilmaz, O. Odabas
Actas Urol Esp. 2023;47:566-72
Could Prognostic Nutritional Index be a new criteria for active surveillance of prostate cancer?
E.T. Keskin, H. Özdemir, R. Uğur, M. Savun, Y. Çolakoğlu, A. Şimşek
Actas Urol Esp. 2023;47:573-80
Does gender influence retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) outcomes? Data from the Flexible Ureteroscopy Outcomes Registry (FLEXOR)
E. Emiliani, I. Sanz-Gómez, B. Somani, T. Tailly, D. Castellani, O. Traxer, J. Yuen-Chun Teoh, B. Chew, ... en representación del grupo TOWER (Team of Worldwide Endourological Researchers)
Actas Urol Esp. 2023;47:581-7
Endoscopic implantation of autologous myoblasts for stress urinary incontinence and evaluation of its efficacy in sphincterotomized rabbits
G. Raffo, D. Sappia, D. Dominici, M. Rozenbaum, J. García, M. Lavigne, M. Correa
Actas Urol Esp. 2023;47:588-97
Allium® ureteral stent, a new player in the treatment of ureteral stenosis: a prospective cohort study
T. Aksakalli, S. Adanur, S.O. Demirdogen, O. Polat
Actas Urol Esp. 2023;47:598-604
Latest advances in surgery
Robot-assisted laparoscopic triple neurectomy for chronic inguinal pain: Description of the technique, our experience and preliminary results
G. Gutiérrez Carrillo, M. Garcia Sanz, M. de Arriba Alonso, A. Gutiérrez Fernandez, M.Á. Alonso Prieto
Actas Urol Esp. 2023;47:605-10
Transfer of acquired practical skills from dry lab into live surgery using the avatera robotic system: An experimental study
B. Ballesta Martinez, P. Kallidonis, A. Tsaturyan, A. Peteinaris, S. Faitatziadis, K. Gkeka, V. Tatanis, A. Vagionis, ... E. Liatsikos
Actas Urol Esp. 2023;47:611-7