Se presenta el caso de una paciente con trastorno afectivo bipolar de base, a quien se le instaura manejo para un hipotiroidismo subclínico, convirtiéndose este en un hipertiroidismo que cursó con manifestaciones anímicas de tipo depresivo y un curso de su patología mental previa aún más grave. Típicamente en el hipotiroidismo hay síntomas depresivos, y en el hipertiroidismo, síntomas maniformes. Se ha reportado que pocos pacientes con hipertiroidismo presentan todo lo contrario: afecto triste, adinamia y apatía. Es claro que el hipertiroidismo es un factor de riesgo para desarrollar o precipitar depresión y para aumentar los reingresos hospitalarios; además, los síntomas afectivos se desarrollan o empeoran por exceso de hormona tiroidea. Se describe la relación entre alteraciones tiroideas y cuadros afectivos.
We present the case of a person with baseline Bipolar Affective Disorder, who starts receiving medical treatment for subclinical Hypothyroidism, during this time the patient develops Hyperthyroidism. During the course of the latter, the patient started to exhibit depressed mood symptoms and worsening of her baseline disorder. Typically there are depressive symptoms in hypothyroidism and manic symptoms in hyperthyroidism, there have been a few cases of depressive symptoms (depressed mood, asthenia and apathy) reported in patients with hyperthyroidism. Up till now it's a fact that Hyperthyroidism constitutes itself as a risk factor for developing or precipitating depressive states, thus increasing hospital readmissions, and another important fact is that of manifesting or worsening affective symptoms due to the influence of thyroid hormones. We also present the well-known relationship between thyroid malfunction and affective disorders.
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