Journal Information
Original article
Assessment of the quality of life of patients with inflammatory bowel disease
María del Mar Calvo Bernal, Elena Pérez Campos, Adrián Aparicio Mota, Álvaro Hernández Martínez
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2025;48:502192
Vaccine adherence and adverse events of the SARS-COV vaccine in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Francisca Isabelle da Silva e Sousa, Raiza Lima Silva, Cezar Nilton Rabelo Lemos Filho, Maria Tereza Oliveira Pereira Santos, Luiz Eduardo Soares Martins, Thais Carvalho de Abreu, Leonardo Freire Alves Nogueira, Sâmya Correia Marques, ... Lucia Libanez Bessa Campelo Braga
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2025;48:502202
Artificial intelligence-assisted identification and retrieval of chronic hepatitis C patients lost to follow-up in the health area of Pontevedra and O Salnés (Spain)
Pablo Parada Vázquez, Santiago Pérez-Cachafeiro, Belén Castiñeira Domínguez, Juan Manuel González-Pérez, José Manuel Mera Calviño, Raquel Souto-Rodríguez, Yolanda Falagán Cachafeiro, Indhira Pérez-Medrano, ... Juan Turnes
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2025;48:502226

Treatment of severe hypertriglyceridemia through therapeutic plasma exchange in patients with acute pancreatitis or at risk of developing it
Eva Marín-Serrano, Ana Kerguelen Fuentes, Rubén Fernández-Martos, José Mostaza Prieto, Aurora Viejo Llorente, Ana Barbado Cano, Pedro Luis Martínez Hernández, María Dolores Martín-Arranz
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2025;48:502229
Adaptation and validation of an abbreviated version of the SIPAT integrated psychosocial risk scale in patients with liver cirrhosis candidates for liver transplantation (SIPAT-11)
Natalia García Morales, Sagrario Gutiérrez Morato, Carmen Castillo Cejas, Margarita Fernández de la Varga, Martín Menéndez Rodríguez, Victoria Aguilera, Salvador Benlloch, Luis Menéndez Rodríguez, ... Joaquín Cubiella
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2025;48:502220
Scientific letter
Combined biologic treatment in patient with chronic spontaneous urticaria and Crohn’s disease
Alejandro García Martínez, María del Pilar Lobato de la Sierra, Teresa Castro Aguilar-Tablada
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2025;48:502213
Heterotaxia syndrome: when almost nothing is as it should be
Luisa Adán-Merino, Francisco Garrido Gallego, Rodrigo Pastorín-Salis, Ángel Ponferrada-Díaz
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2025;48:502233
Cerebral thrombosis as a manifestation of poor control in inflammatory bowel disease
Marta Fernández Carrasco, Ana Delgado Maroto, Álvaro Hernández Martínez
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2025;48:502256
Images of the month
Gastric antral ectasia and diaphragmatic hernia: A rare cause of iron deficiency anemia
Ana Lancho Muñoz, Patricia Abellán Alfocea, Eduardo Redondo Cerezo
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2025;48:502209
Increased arterial stiffness in Crohn's disease: Prevalence, associated factors and impact of anti-TNF therapy
Mahrez Fissah, Adel Rechach, Meriem Charifi, Farouk Menzou, Said Taharboucht, Messaouda Djouhri, Leila Talbi, Nadia Touati, ... Ahcene Chibane
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2025;48:502252
Young corner
Thromboembolic phenomena in inflammatory bowel disease and risk with JAK inhibitor treatments
José Luis Rueda García, José Manuel Benitez, Iria Baston Rey, Margalida Calafat Sard, Cristina Suárez Ferrer
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2025;48:502257
Clinical practice guidelines
Portal hypertension: recommendations for diagnosis and treatment. Consensus document sponsored by the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH) and the Biomedical Research Network Centre for Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBERehd)
Agustín Albillos, Rafael Bañares, Virginia Hernández-Gea
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2025;48:502208
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